About Us

(1) We believe that YAHWEH, is alone YAHWEH. HE is the Creator, Sovereign King and Ruler of the Universe. HE alone IS our SALVATION through HIS anointed Name of SALVATION YAHshua, and HE alone leads, guides, directs and protects His people Yisrael (this includes those that are grafted into Yisrael) through HIS SET APART SPIRIT YAH-Ruach Kodesh.

(2) We believe that YAHWEH is “Echad” (one), and that HE alone is the MIGHTY ONE of Yisrael, who WAS, IS, and FOREVER WILL BE.

(3) We believe that YAHWEH, is alone YAHWEH and can manifest Himself (through His Name) in any manner or way HE chooses. HE Alone will be and/or will causes to be whatever HE wants to be and/or causes to be.

(4) We believe that YAHWEH is the Aleph (first) and Tav/Taw/Tof (last).
(5) We believe that YAHWEH is the ONLY one that Yisrael is to bend, bow and pray to. Yisrael is not to bend, bow or pray to any other besides YAHWEH.
(6) We believe that all the words of the prophets of YAHWEH (through His TORAH,TANAK, and Brit Chadashah) are true.
(7) We believe that the prophecies of Mosheh, are true from Aleph to Tav/Taw.
(8) We believe that the entire TORAH/TANAK of YAHWEH, (that is now in our possession), is the same as it was when Mosheh received it.
(9) We believe that the TORAH of YAHWEH is not to be changed or exchanged for any pseudo-Revisions and/or Versions of men.

(10) We believe that YAHWEH knows all the deeds and thoughts of human beings, for it is written, “Who fashioned the hearts of them all, Who comprehends all their actions”

(11) We believe that YAHWEH rewards those who keep HIS Mitzvot (Commandments) and punishes as well as corrects those that transgress HIS Mitzvot (Commandments).
(12) We believe in the 1st and 2nd coming of the Mashiach (YAHSHUA); and even though HE may tarry, We await HIS second return every day.
(13) We believe that YAHWEH manifested Himself through HIS anointed NAME of Salvation YAHSHUA (the living TORAH).
(14) We believe that YAHWEH is the Mashiach of Yisrael and Savior of the world through HIS anointed name of Salvation YAHSHUA. Note: YAHSHUA means: YAHWEH is Salvation
(14) We believe that YAHWEH is the Mashiach of Yisrael and Savior of the world through HIS anointed name of Salvation YAHSHUA. Note: YAHSHUA means: YAHWEH is Salvation
(15) We believe that YAHWEH secured the salvation of every man through the body, blood, death, burial and resurrection of HIS Son YAHSHUA
(16) We believe that YAHWEH has imparted HIS Spirit (Ruach Kodesh) within the hearts and soul/spirit of all those who have called upon HIS Name of salvation…..”YAHSHUA”
(17) We believe that YAHWEH has placed the Written and Oral ToRaH in the soul and spirit of all those who have called upon the Name of the Living ToRaH … YAHSHUA
(18) We believe that there will be a resurrection of the dead (both of the just and unjust) at the time it pleases YAHWEH and that the NAME of YAHWEH shall be exalted in the heavens and upon the earth for ever and ever.
(19) We believe that YAHWEH enters into the lives (spirit/soul) of all that call upon His Name of Salvation YAHSHUA, thereby giving all that receive HIM, Eternal Life in Olam Habah through HIS NAME.
(20) We believe that YAHWEH desires HIS people (Yisrael) to walk in fellowship with HIM by keeping the same Mitzvot (Commandments) which means (teachings – instructions – guidelines – directives – pathways – insights) that YAHSHUA HIS son kept when He walked upon this earth.


 HevelYAH Ben YAHWEH is the founder and teacher of the Emet (Truth) of YAHWEH Assembly


He was ordained into the ministry in January 2017 By YAHSHUA Ha Mashiach The KING That IS and The KING TO COME found in the book John chapter 15 vs 16. The Spiritual Conversion of HevelYAH Ben YAHWEH started in May of 2015. When the RUACH HaKodesh fell on him like the prophet Joel spoke about in chapter 2 vs 28 & Acts chapter 2 vs 17 in the last days YAHWEH says I will pour out my Ruach (Spirit) on all people. That is when Ruach the spirit of Truth open up HevelYAH spiritual eyes, ears & his understanding that he might understand the scriptures found in Luke chapter 24 vs 45 & also found in Luke Chapter 24 vs 32 because before his conversion his understanding was closed. Brother HevelYAH was also immersed in running water according to Acts 2:38 & 1st Peter 3:21. That is when his transformation begun learning about the True Name of the Savior YAHSHUA Ha Mashiach the name that is given among men whereby we must be saved found in the book of Acts chapter 4 vs 12.Like the scriptures says in order to get to the Father YHWH (YAHWEH) you have to go through the SON YAHSHUA Ha Mashiach found in John chapter 14 vs 6.Then HevelYAH was introduced to the NAME YHWH (YAHWEH) THE SOVEREIGN KING AND RULER OF THE UNIVERSE Found in the book Exodus chapter 3 vs 15. HevelYAH Ben YAHWEH started teaching in January of 2017 like YAHSHUA Ha Mashiach Command him to and he has been teaching ever since lead by THE SPIRIT OF EMET (TRUTH) THE RUACH Hakodesh. 



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